Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Well It's All-Right!

Got around to picking up the Traveling Wilburys Collection, which came out last year.
Do you know this record debuted at #1 on the UK album charts last September, with no promotion or tour, 17 years after the band ever recorded anything?
Revisiting the material, it's really no surprise. Apart from "Handle Me With Care" which I've always had a soft spot for, I'd forgotten how special this band was. I mean, come on, Dylan, Harrison, Orbison and Petty, all in one group??!!

Spinning through the album I came upon "End Of The Line" and have been playing constantly over the last 2 days. You've gotta be shitting me with this tune! And the videol!! Imagine being in this traincar, rolling along the country side with these legends. And how about the soft tribute to Roy, who had passed away before the video was shot? The photo, the upright guitar on the rocking chair, UNREAL!! And to top it off, a glimpse of Bob Dylan smiling towards the end, something he hasn't seemed to have done since he unplugged in the 60's.
An absolutely priceless song, and there's many more. I can't recommend this album enough.

1 comment:

rocket-rishard said...

Isn't Jeff Lynn in this mix too? Poor poor Jeff.